SRS Thrive

Thrive is an 8-hour interactive workshop to help current staff grow healthy habits of ministry partners development. They will dig into the vision of partners, develop a communication plan, and create an annual maintenance strategy. The goal is to walk out knowing what to do next week for MPD, next month, and a year from to continue being spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded.

Who is it for?

Staff must be at 80% support to qualify. Anything less than that and a full Bootcamp would better serve their needs. Thrive does NOT teach initial support raising methods; therefore, it doesn’t meet the felt need of staff who are severely underfunded or looking to jumpstart a sprint. They will walk out with a communication plan not with appointments waiting for them.

Staff can be in their first year of ministry or their 100th. This training is ideal for people in the middle of ministry life—they could use some refreshed vision and some new tools but they are not currently drowning. Think of Thrive as more “let’s practice flip turns and some swimming drills” instead of “let’s learn how to swim”.

So it’s for staff on furlough?

Not really. Because staff don’t get to practice phone calls, presentations, or follow up like in Bootcamp, Thrive doesn’t really work to jump-start into a season of support raising. A Bootcamp is a better fit for that. But if staff are using their furlough to plan for their next year of MPD maintenance, rest, and recover—Thrive could be a good fit in that case. 

How do I use it?

This is open for SRS Facilitators to use, no extra training or certification required. You can break up the 9 sessions in whatever form is best for your staff keeping it as a one day event or go all the way to having a 9 month series integrated into your staff’s professional development. Thrive can be done virtually or in-person with its versatile format.

How does it work virtually?

Easily! Thrive was always intended to be used in a variety of ways. Read the “Start Here” pdf for the guidelines and tips—i.e. try to have local table groups. Due to Thrive’s versatility in how you can present it, SRS will only ship supplies altogether directly to you. You will be responsible to distribute as needed. 

There is a fillable workbook PDF that can be made available upon request to participants. The locked pdf will be sent out with a specific password a week before the start of your event and be available until a week after the start of your event. Then the password will change. Participants have those 2 weeks to download (and we recommend printing it too).

What are these preliminary cohort groups?

Especially with current staff, we find accountability to be essential. Just as with the Bootcamps, the prep work before your event is one of the most transformational aspects of training. Therefore we built into the Facilitator Guide an outline for 4 weeks of cohort meetings to begin dialoguing about the concepts and provide accountability for the prep work. 

BONUS: You can close registration early at a month out to make sure everyone can participate in the cohort groups. This means your supplies will arrive a month out and you will have extra time if you are sending those supplies to participants who will be joining virtually.

I’m not a Facilitator, can someone come run a Thrive event for my organization?

Possibly! A big concern we have is that a single event is not going to solve organizational culture. If this is part of a much larger strategy you and your leadership have—let’s talk. Use this info sheet to get started.


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Support Raising Solutions
PO BOX 3556
Fayetteville, AR, 72702
1(800) 595-4881