Frequently Asked Questions

General SRS FAQ

What kind of resources do you have for someone who is raising support?

Books: The God Ask, Viewpoints, 5 Keys for Personal Support Raising Resources: SRS Blog, SRS Podcast, SRS Social (Facebook and Twitter), Various Support Raising Documents, Accountability Partner Documents, and recommended support raising tools. You can find these resources here.

Do you offer any online support raising training?

SRS does not have online support raising training. We do have a jump start/preparation course called SRS Foundations that SRS partner organizations may use in addition to their own in-house support raising training.

How can I register for your online course SRS Foundations?

A leader in your organization needs to join the SRS Network and set up a classroom for you to register. SRS Foundations is not a public course anyone can register for, as it is a jump start/preparation course and not a complete support raising training course.

Bootcamp FAQ

I don’t see certain months listed on your Bootcamp schedule. Do you know where SRS Bootcamp will be for those months?

If certain months aren’t listed on our website, we are still working on finding hosts for those Bootcamps. We will post registration on our website the same day we secure a host. If you are interested in having your organization host a Bootcamp, please email

How long does the prep work course SRS Foundations take to complete?

30-40 hours, including reading The God Ask.

Why do I have to complete SRS Foundations before I arrive to Bootcamp?

SRS Foundations is designed as an introduction and preparation course. Throughout Bootcamp, you will be using your answers and work from the preparation course to hold group discussions and practice role playing with assigned partners. If you do not show up with your preparation work completed, you are not only setting yourself up to fall behind at Bootcamp, but you will also not be helpful to others who have come prepared ready to get the most out of Bootcamp. Plus, there are rebate incentives for coming fully prepared too!

Can I register as a couple with my co-worker who will also be attending?

No. The couple registration is for married and engaged couples only.

What is the importance of coming as a couple?

SRS believes in creating oneness in the area of marriage. We feel it is important to be on the same page as a couple when it comes to finances. Finances is a topic that can cause strain in a marriage. Finances is also an area that will be under attack by Satan. To best combat this, your best defense is to have a plan and working the plan together. Attending SRS Bootcamp together as a couple (doing the prep work together, determining your budget together and setting goals together) will create a sweetness in your marriage and success in the area of support raising. If you come without your spouse (or spouse to be), they will miss the learning, the connection with other couples going through the same process and the encouragement you will receive during the Bootcamp.

There is a Bootcamp on your website that I’m trying to register for, but it’s marked as closed. Can I still register?

No. Registration closes two weeks before each Bootcamp so that SRS can order and ship the appropriate amount of supplies, and so that participants can have enough time to complete the 30-40 hour preparation work before arriving.

Do you have an online SRS Bootcamp?

We do not offer an online SRS Bootcamp. The structure of SRS Bootcamp is intended to be very interactive. Participants gain encouragement and confidence through large group and table discussions, paired partner activities and even role playing/practicing their ASK.

Will SRS be providing housing while I am at Bootcamp?

All Bootcamp participants are responsible for their own lodging. SRS will post nearby hotels in the Bootcamp details before you register.

What meals are provided while I am at Bootcamp?

  • Day 1: Lunch
  • Day 2: Light Breakfast and Lunch
  • Snacks, water and coffee provided throughout Bootcamp.

I’ve attended an SRS Bootcamp before… do you offer alumni discount rates?

We do not offer alumni discount rates for re-attending an SRS Bootcamp.

Do you offer group rates for SRS Bootcamp?

We do not offer group rates for SRS Bootcamp.

Can I audit the SRS Bootcamp?

Auditing SRS Bootcamps is strictly for SRS Coaches with Track My Staff classrooms who have already participated in an SRS Bootcamp, or SRS Facilitators who are attending for re-certification purposes.

I already have The God Ask, can I take the cost of that off my registration price for SRS Bootcamp?

Unfortunately, once you register, your book is shipped out automatically. We do not reduce the registration price if you already have a copy of The God Ask. You can gift that book to another co-worker or friend.

I’m a coach/trainer- can I attend a Bootcamp with my staff for a discounted rate or with the couples rate?

Unfortunately, you cannot register as a couple unless married or engaged. You may attend at a coaches rate as long as you meet the following requirements:
  1. If you already have fully prepared and participated in a past SRS Bootcamp in its current form (2014 or later)
  2. If you are a registered SRS Network Member
  3. If you currently have a Track My Staff Classroom and have staff in your classroom attending that SRS Bootcamp you wish to attend for your discounted coaches rate.
Learn more at the Track My Staff webpage.

I registered for an SRS Bootcamp, but no longer can attend. Can I get a refund?

All Bootcamp registrations are non-refundable. You must notify SRS 2 weeks prior to the Bootcamp you have registered for (before registration closes), in order to transfer to a future Bootcamp without forfeiting your registration fee. The future Bootcamp must be within months of the original registration. There is no penalty to transfer, but you must notify us of the Bootcamp you wish to attend before it is full. We will only accept one transfer change. No shows result in forfeiting registration fee. 

Is child care provided throughout the Bootcamp?

Childcare is not provided. Children are not allowed in the training room used Bootcamp (this includes nursing babies)- NO EXCEPTIONS. Here at SRS, we LOVE babies and kids, however we know how they can potentially be a distraction during a training. However, we do not want nursing mothers to miss out just because they’re nursing! This training is important for you too! If you are nursing, one option is to make arrangements for a caregiver to watch your infant outside the Bootcamp training room and then when you need to nurse you may leave the room. Please make your own arrangements for childcare, if needed. Depending on the host/location, SRS may be able to assist in helping to arrange for a private room for you to nurse in at the Bootcamp location. Please email for help with this.

What is the process for getting my rebate for coming fully prepared to Bootcamp?

The day after SRS Bootcamp is complete, the participant will receive an email titled SRS Bootcamp Survey and Rebate. Inside the body of the email there will be a blue link to the SRS Bootcamp Survey – click on that. At the close of the survey, there will be a black button that is labeled Submit. By clicking on this, the next step is the Rebate. Once there, click on the items that you can honestly say was completed before SRS Bootcamp. If the requirements are met, the participant will be issued a rebate check. There is a 7 business day response period for all participants. On the 8th day, a list of participants who qualified for the rebate is sent to our Finance Department. They issue checks on Fridays; consequently it can take up to a month before you receive your check in the mail.

I’m having trouble logging into SRS Learn. What should I do?

  • Step 1: Make sure you are trying to log into SRS Learn and not the SRS Network. Your browser must say when trying to log-in.
  • Step 2: Check your Spam/Trash/Junk email box for the “Welcome to SRS Learn” email. That email is sent to the registered email address that you will use to log-in. Make sure when attempting to login, you spell your email address correctly.
  • Step 3: All SRS Bootcamp participants (when logging in for the first time) will have the password set as learning (all lowercase). If you already logged in before, and can’t remember your password, reset it using the email address that you registered for SRS Bootcamp with. An email will be sent to you with a reset link.
  • Step 4: Try using a different browser to log-in.
  • Step 5: Still having trouble? Email and we’ll help you out!

SRS Network/Facilitator Memberships FAQ

What is the SRS Network?

The SRS Network is the only professional network support raising leaders, trainers and coaches.

Who is the SRS Network for?

If you are a leader in your organization (an executive, a team leader, trainer or coach) who oversees staff members who raise support, then you should join the SRS Network.

Is the SRS Network Membership an organizational or individual membership?

The SRS Network Membership is an individual membership. Only the individual who registers will have access to all the benefits. There are some resources/benefits that can be shared and some that, when used, can benefit the organization as a whole.

What are the benefits of joining the SRS Network?

  • Access to the live monthly SRS Webinars where you receive training beyond Bootcamp to help coach your staff, live Q&A, updates about new SRS benefits and access to our webinar archive.
  • Access to The Catapult Series which is a library of 250+ videos that are 3-5 min. long on support raising topics.
  • Access to the SRS Support Raising Survey that we administer and then debrief the results with you which will help you get a pulse on your staff’s support raising health.
  • Access to the online course SRS Foundations which is essentially the online preparation for SRS Bootcamps. It can be used two different ways: for new staff training as the online training component which is combined with an organization’s live in-house training or it can used as a refresher training for veteran staff.
  • Access to a coaching resource called Track My Staff where you can set up a classroom and monitor your staff’s preparation work if they are attending a public SRS Bootcamp.
  • Access to the private SRS Facebook group for SRS Network Members only where you can collaborate with other trainers, coaches and leaders who are part of the SRS Network.
  • Discount to the Support Raising Leaders Conference where we focus on shaping culture, building infrastructure, elevating training and multiplying coaching. Our past conferences had over 250 leaders from over 100 different organizations come together to collaborate and learn from best practices in support raising.
  • Access to audio and handouts of workshops and keynotes from previous Support Raising Leaders Conferences.
  • Access to the SRS Coaching Guide: SRS has interviewed many Great Commission ministries and researched their coaching practices to learn what works and what does not. The SRS Coaching Guide has coaching strategies, job descriptions, best practices, sample reports, and an overview of policies.
  • Access to translated, downloadable PDFs of 5 Keys for Personal Support Raising, and other exclusive downloadable tools and resources.
  • More resources, tools and benefits are being developed to better serve our SRS Network Members.

What is the SRS Support Raising Survey?

The SRS Support Raising Survey is a survey that we administer for SRS Network Members and their organizations to help them get a pulse on your staff’s support raising health. The survey asks questions in various support raising areas such as current status, financial and emotional health, training and accountability, policies and expectations, and more. After the survey closes, you will be able to analyze the results for acute analysis by filtering responses from new vs veteran staff, men vs women, ethnicity, or get as detailed as you want with multiple filters. SRS will also schedule a one-hour phone call with you to debrief your findings and help provide council and guidance for your organization.

What does it cost to set up an SRS Support Raising Survey for my organization and when can I schedule one?

You must be an SRS Network Member to set up an SRS Support Raising Survey. There is no additional cost required. SRS Network Members can set up a survey whenever it is convenient for them and as often as they like. Some organizations do a survey yearly so they can compare results year-to-year to see their progress in the support raising health of their staff.

What is the difference between SRS Foundations Classrooms and Track My Staff Classrooms?

SRS Foundations is essentially the preparation work for SRS Bootcamp. We decided to make this course available to Network Members, so that they can use it for their new staff to accompany their own in-house live support raising training. They may also use it for veterans staff as a refresher course. SRS Foundations is not a complete online support raising training course, but more of a kick start or preparation course. When an SRS Network sets up an SRS Foundations classroom, their staff will register for the course for $39. The SRS Network Member is responsible for ensuring that their staff completes the course. SRS Track My Staff Classrooms are for Network Members whose organization uses public SRS Bootcamps as their primary source for support raising for their staff. A Network Member can set up a Track My Staff Classroom and request to track their staff members Bootcamp preparation work online to ensure that they complete the course before attending so that they can get the most out of SRS Bootcamp.

What is the difference between the SRS Network Membership and SRS Facilitator Membership?

SRS Facilitator Members are trained and certified to host their own in-house SRS Bootcamps for their own staff at a discounted rate. They may host an in-house Bootcamp anytime, as many times a year whenever is most convenient for them. SRS Facilitators will have all the benefits of SRS Network Members, except instead of a discount to the Support Raising Leaders Conference, their registration is free.

How can I host my own in-house SRS Bootcamp?

If you meet the requirements, register for SRS Facilitator Training and register for your SRS Facilitator Membership. You become certified as an SRS Facilitator by attending an SRS Facilitator Training and by paying for your membership. We will then setup a custom registration page for your staff on our SRS website for your future in-house SRS Bootcamps and send you the Bootcamp in a Box with all the materials you need.

Can anyone become a certified trained SRS Facilitator?

You must meet three requirements to qualified as an SRS Facilitator:
  1. Must have fully prepared and participated in a past SRS Bootcamp in its current form (2014 or later)
  2. Must be currently living and ministering on personally raised support (does not receive a salary from organization)
  3. Must be approved to become an SRS Facilitator by the leadership in their organization.
If you meet those requirements, then you can register for Facilitator Training and your Facilitator Membership.

What does it cost to become a certified SRS Facilitator?

Your Facilitator Membership, has an annual membership cost of $900 for the first trainer, and $500 for each additional trainer in an organization. There is no additional cost to attend the SRS Facilitator Training to become a certified SRS Bootcamp Facilitator or to attend a public SRS Bootcamp every 18 months or the Support Raising Leaders Conference to maintain certification.

What does the SRS Facilitator Membership fees go toward?

Most of the staff that support SRS raise their own support, so that is how we are able to keep our costs so low. The $900 annual membership dues for the first trainer and $500 for additional trainers give you:
    1. Access to all SRS Network benefits ($149 value)
    2. Registration for Facilitator Training- also includes 6 meals
    3. Registration to the Support Raising Leaders Conference for maintaining certification ($399+)
    4. Registration for public Bootcamps every 18 months for maintaining certification- also includes 3 meals ($399 value every 18 months)
    5. Ability to host in-house SRS Bootcamps for your staff at a discounted rate anytime as many times whenever is most convenient for your organization (after attending training and if certification is maintained)
    6. Bootcamp in a Box materials for all certified SRS Bootcamp Facilitators. This includes a new Facilitator’s Guide about every 18 months, large group and small group materials, and a set of participant materials.
    7. Research and development of new resources your ministry will have access to
    8. Development of resources to train global workers in other languages and cultural contexts.

If I was a certified SRS Facilitator, what additional costs can I expect in order to host our in-house SRS Bootcamp?

Participants of your in-house SRS Bootcamp pay $100 for individuals and $170 for couples through your customized SRS registration page on our website, and your organization will be invoiced $25 per person when materials for your in-house Bootcamp are shipped to you. Invoices must be paid within 30 days after your SRS Bootcamp.

What is required to maintain a Facilitator certification?

To maintain certification for your SRS Facilitator Membership, you must sign the 12-month SRS Partnership Agreement, pay the annual membership dues on time each year, attend the Support Raising Leaders Conference, and attend a public SRS Bootcamp every 18 months.


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Support Raising Solutions
PO BOX 3556
Fayetteville, AR, 72702
1(800) 595-4881