Fundraising on Furloughs

It is an honor to be invited to contribute to the SRS newsletter on the topic of fundraising while on furloughs. My wife Jody and I have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for 26 years, so we have deep experience with the topic. My current job with Wycliffe is as a Partnership Development Coach. I coach new Wycliffe members whose first job is to reach 100% budget funding by building a partnership team. I also coach established career Wycliffe members (EMs) on furlough required to increase their budgets to 100% to return to the field. The Wycliffe members I have […]

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Lifetime Service Award – Mickey and Judy Booth

During each Support Raising Leaders Conference, we recognize champions of personal support raising who have given decades to the service of others in this critical area of ministry. The body of Christ has been blessed by these pioneers who have gone ahead and paved the way for others to mobilize needed resources for ministry. It is our honor to recognize Mickey and Judy Booth of Cru with the Lifetime Service Award for Ministry Partnership Development. They have served with Cru for 48 years, and for the past 22 years, they have discipled and led MPD leaders in 75 countries. The […]

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Navigating Müller’s Theology

The Man George Müller was born in 1805 to a family of modest wealth. His father was a tax collector and government official. By the time George was ten he was frequently stealing money from his father’s tax collections. He referred to his adolescent and teenage years as “days in much sin.” George’s father wanted him to prepare for ministry “because of the comfortable, professional future the ministry would afford.” Things didn’t go well in his clerical education, as George drank heavily and lived beyond his means. Despite not having a personal faith, he went on to university to study […]

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Finances on the Field: Choosing a Missionary Banking Partner

Originally published on Missionaries are always on the move, so choosing a bank that understands and serves your unique international needs is an important step in preparing for your work abroad. “For missionaries, it’s vital to not only have support, but the right support,” according to Aaron Babyar, President of Exago. “And finding the right banking partner is part of helping Christian workers become spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded.” “The right financial partner can make a powerful difference in your fundraising efforts.” To help you spend more time on ministry and less on banking, here are some missionary […]

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Championing Biblical Fundraising and Empowering Leaders: 2018 Support Raising Leaders Conference

More than 300 support raising leaders from 110 Great Commission ministries recently gathered to discuss the number one obstacle that keeps missionaries from the field, and one of the top reasons people leave the field: raising financial support. Held in Feb. 6-9 in Orlando, Florida, the 2018 Support Raising Leaders Conference brought together support raising leaders, trainers, coaches, and their executive leadership to discuss how to cultivate a healthy, robust culture of personal support raising in their organizations. Support Raising Solutions was honored to host this conference that champions biblical fundraising and empowers support raising leaders to succeed in their […]

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We’re All In This Together: Unifying Staff and Ministry Partners

As a key leader in your ministry organization, you have an opportunity to shape the culture when it comes to Ministry Partner Development (MPD), and have a beneficial impact on both your staff and ministry partners/donors. In particular, there are two vital areas where your influence is of utmost importance. Casting Vision No one is more tuned in to the vision for your ministry than you are. When you multiply the number of people carrying forward the vision for God’s ministry through your team, maintaining the clarity and focus of that vision can sometimes be a challenge. In other words…vision […]

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Stop Hinting, Just Ask

Just ask! In a world where hints, subtle suggestions and passive aggressiveness are becoming common language, we need to develop the skill and courage to make direct asks when building a partnership team. Our unwillingness or inability to make direct asks can communicate more about us than we know. Hinting communicates an internal fear. A direct ask communicates an established faith. Sure, asking people to join your partnership team can be scary, but where does that fear come from? Is that fear worth surrendering to? Often it is rooted in a fear of being rejected. This is not the mindset […]

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Set the Bar High: Five Reasons for Strong Support Raising Accountability

As he stood at the end of the runway, staring intently at a bar height he had never vaulted over, my brother would take a deep breath and start sprinting forward, finally leveraging every muscle in his body to flex upwards. Sometimes he would clear it with barely an inch to spare—but he cleared! It was obvious to me he was going to will himself to do whatever was necessary to get up and over that daunting bar looming so far up in the sky. I came from a family of pole vaulters. I would go to the high school […]

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Raising Support from 1000 Miles Away

For many of us, support raising is enough of a challenge in and of itself. Often, adding the obstacles of raising additional funds from the field just compounds the challenge. Now imagine you serve overseas, far from your primary support base, and the task can seem almost insurmountable. Believe me, I know. I serve 8000 miles away from my main support base! How can we most effectively maintain full support funding while serving on a faraway international assignment? First, develop good support raising habits so that you don’t find yourself in a big bind while on international assignment. Are your […]

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Creating a Culture of Thankfulness

As a leader, are you confident your staff and ministry demonstrate timely thankfulness to giving partners? Perhaps you have not given this question much thought, but as a leader I’m sure you realize that both thanklessness and thankfulness are contagious. Here are three benchmarks to help you lead: Do you (and your organization) say thank you immediately? Recently my wife, Alma, and I received an appeal from a mid-career friend who was joining a ministry. We gladly agreed to support her monthly and sent our first gift, then a second, and a third. But neither our friend nor her organization […]

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Support Raising Solutions
PO BOX 3556
Fayetteville, AR, 72702
1(800) 595-4881