SRS COVID-19 Policy


Here's what we'll cover:


Understand the Biblical Basis

See how God uses people throughout the Bible and today to fund His work.


Gain A Healthy Perspective

As much as meeting your financial needs, you are mobilizing the body of Christ.


Plan and Prepare

You will experience the efficiencies of learning to plan your work and work your plan.


Prove It's Doable

You will rehearse and practice the keys of support raising with other Bootcampers.


Maintain & Cultivate

Learn how to develop a healthy and vibrant support team that will stick with you as long as you're in ministry.

Staff from over 500 organizations trained

24:7 College Ministry
2nd Mile Ministries
ACMC (Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment)
Adventist Frontier Missions
Adventures in Missions
Africa Inland Missions
African American Center for World Mission
Agape Christian Ministries
Agape Church of Christ
Agape Europe
Alberto Mottesi Evangelistica Association
Alexander House Apostulate
All Nations
Apex 3101
Ambassadors in Sport
American Missionary Fellowship
Amistad Foundation
Antioch Network
Apple of His Eye
Arab International Ministry
Arab World Ministries
Ark Ministries
Artesia City Church
Asian Access
Asian American Christian Fellowship
Assemblies of God Home Missions
Assemblies of God World Missions
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
Austin House of Prayer
B.A.S.I.C. College Ministries
Back2Back Ministries
Backpack Evangelism
Baptist Mid-Missions
Bay Area Community Church
Bee International
BEE World
Berean Fellowship
Bethany Fellowship
Bethany International
Black Forest Academy
Branches 2:46 Inc.
Bronco Campus Ministry
Burma Orphanages
Cadence International
Cafe 10/40
Caleb Project
Called to Greatness Sports Ministry
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
CAM, International
Camp Bighorn, Inc.
Camp All-American
Camp Gilead
Camp Lewtana
Camp Oak Hills
Camp Peniel
Campus Ambassadors
Campus Christian Fellowship
Campus Missions International
Campus Outreach
Campus Renewal Ministries
Campus Target
Canyon Ridge Christian Church
Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf
Carolina Christian Surfers
Casas por Cristo
CB International
CCO Campus Ministry
Center for Intercultural Training
Center for Global Ministries
Centre Mission Resources
Chaplains at Work
The Chapel
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, USA
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Children's Bible Ministries
Children's Relief International
Chosen People Ministries
Christian Business Men's Connection (CBMC)
Christ on Campus
Christian & Missionary Alliance
Christian Associates Intl.
Christian Campus House
Christian Challenge (CBU)
Christian Conciliation
Christian Leadership Ministries
Christian Motorcyclists Association
Christian Motorsports International
Christian Reformed World Missions
Christian Resort Ministries International
Christian Student Fellowship
Christian Surfers International
Christian Surfers United States
Chugach Resort Ministries
Church of the Lord Aladura
Church Resource Ministries
The City Church
Coaches of Influence
Community Vision International
Compass Wilderness
Compassion in Action
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Crescent Project
Cross Quest Expeditions
CrossCampus International
Crown Financial Ministries
Coalition for Christian Outreach
CornerStone International
Crossover Communications
Cup of Cold Water Ministries
Dallas Theological Seminary
Deep Waters Ministries
Defending the Forgotten
Denton Bible Church International
Disciples Church
Doulos Missions International
Dynamic Church Planting Int'l
E3 Partners
Eagle Ranch Ministries
Eastern University
East West Ministries International
EFCA ReachGlobal
Elim Fellowship
Emmanuel & Associates
Engineering Ministries International
Epiphany Fellowship
Eternal Impact Ministries
Ethnos 360 (formerly New Tribes Mission)
Evangecube Global Ministries
Evangelical Free Church Association
Evangelical Friends Mission
Evangelism Explosion International
Every Ethne
Every Nation Ministries
Exchanged Life Ministries
Faith & Hope Baptist Church
Faith Ascent Ministries
Faith Christian Fellowship
Faith Evangelical Church
Faith Family Ministries
Family Life
Far East for Jesus
Favor of God
Fellowship Associates
Fellowship Bible Church-Rogers, AR
Fellowship International Mission
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FIM Worldwide
Finishers Project
Firehouse Ministry
First the Kingdom
Food for the Hungry
Four Streams Ministries, Inc
Foursquare Missions International
Friends Church
Friends In Action
Free Methodist World Missions
Free Will Baptist Foreign Missions
Freedom Restoration Ministries
Friendship Church
Frontier Mission Fellowship
Frontline Ministries
Gateway Church Mobilization
Generation Life
Gesher Forum
Girls of Faith
Glasses for Missions
Global Impact
Global Leadership & Economic Development
Global Mapping International
Global Ministries Fellowship
Global Missions Fellowship
Global Outreach Int'l
Global Partners
Global SEEDS
Global Spectrum
Global Year
Go Ye Fellowship
Go To Nations
Gotta Go Corporation
Grace Brethren International Missions
Grace Christian Center
Great Adventure Ministries
Greater Europe Mission
Hands & Feet Project
HCJB Global
Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association
Heart of God Ministries
Helping Hands Foreign Missions
Heritage Alliance
Highland Independent Baptist Missions
Hill Country Institute for Contemporary Christianity
His Hands Ministries
His House Christian Fellowship
His Life Ministries (National Leadership Foundation)
Hockey Ministries International
Holy City Christian Reformed Church
Hope for the Nations
Hope Student Life
Hospital Chaplains' Ministry of America
The House
Humiston & Associates Ministries
Hundredfold Ministries International
Impact Alliance
Impact Basque
Impact Ministries International
In His Image
India Christian Ministries
Initiative 360
InterFACE Ministries
International ALERT Academy
International Christian Leadership Institute
International Relocation
International Students, Inc.
International Outreach Ministries
International Teams
International Turkey Network
Isaiah 6 Ministries, Inc.
Jews for Jesus
John Paul II Adventure Institute
Johnston Evangelical Free Church
Josiah Venture
Kairos Church Planting
Kaleo Church
Kids Around the World
Kid's Beach Club
Kidzana Ministries
Kingdom Vision Campus Ministry
Korean American Center for World Mission
Latin American Mission
Leaders Summit
Leadership Development International
Legacy of Leadership
Legionaries of Christ
Life Changers
Life of Hope Ministries
Lifelane 180
Lifewind International
Lightbearers Ministries
Literacy & Evangelism International
Living Faith Global Ministries
Lodgepole Community Church
Love Truth Care, Inc.
Love Works Missions
Lucid Reign
MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship)
MAP (Medical Assistance Programs)
McKinney Memorial Bible Church
Medical Ambassadors International
Memorial Baptist Church
Mentor Leaders
Mercy Ships
MIA Ministries
Midwest Student Ministries
Military Chaplains
Military Community Youth Ministries
Millers Creek Baptist Church
Mission Data International
Mission to the Americas
Mission to the World
Mission to Unreached Peoples
Mission Training International
Mission Italia
Mission Society of United Methodists
Missionary Care Ministry
Missions Door
Mom & Loving It Ministries
Mongolia Missions
Morning Star Christian Church
Multiplying Teams International
Mustard Seed Global Fellowship
My Campus
NAIM Ministries
National Leadership Foundation
Nazarene Student Center-OU
Network of International Christian Schools
New City Church
New Heights Church
New Hope Assembly of God Church
New Hope Church
New Hope Ministries
New Life Advance International
New Life Ministries
New Mission Systems International
New Strength International Ministries
New York City Relief
NewSong Fellowship Church
NEXT Worldwide Student Missions
North American Indian Ministries
Northwest Community Church
OC International (One Challenge)
Oklahoma Family Policy Council
OMF International
On the Edge Adventures
One Challenge, Inc.
ONEU (Covenant Life Church)
Operation Mobilization
Our Stewardship University
Overland Missions
Parkview Church
Partnership Ministries
Pathways International Ministries
Pilotage International
Pioneer Bible Translators
Pip Start
Ponderosa Student Ministries
Potters House
Pregnancy Resource Center
Proclaim! International
Project C.U.R.E.
Randall Memorial Baptist Church
Reach the U
Real Life Campus Ministry
Red River Ministries
Reform Europe Ministries
Refuge House of Prayer
Reign Ministries
Restoration Gateway
Resurrection Life Fellowship
Rhein International Academy
Rio Grande Bible Inst.
Rock Haven Ministries
Russian Language Ministries
Samaritan's Purse
Scope Ministries International
Scripture Union
Search For Me Ministries, Inc.
Search Ministries
Seeds of Hope International Partnerships
SENT NE Church Planting Network
SERVE (Denton Bible Missions)
SIM (Serving in Missions)
SMI (Sound Mind Investing)
Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries
Solomon's Porch
Something More Ministries
Sound The Call Ministries
South Pacific Christian Fellowship
Southwestern Assemblies of God University
SOX Place
Spartan Christian Fellowship
Sports Impact
Sports Outreach
STGM (Share the Gospel Ministry)
St. Paul's Outreach
Stewards of Grace Foundation
Strategic Renewal
Student Christian Fellowship
Student Mobilization
Surfing the Nations
Table in the Wilderness Ministries
Target Teams International
Tech Serve International
The Bridge
The International Localization Network
The Laboure Society
The Traveling Team
Third Left Turn Ministries
Third Millennium Ministries
Thirst No More
Timber Bay
Titan Christian Fellowship
Training Leaders International
Trans World Radio
Tree of Life Leadership Group
Trinity Fellowship
Truthseekers International
TW Music Ministries
Twin Peaks Bible Camp
Union Project
United World Mission
University Christian Ministries
University Christian Outreach
University Xchange Montgomery
Uplands Reach
Urban Impact Ministries
Urban Titus Ministries
U.S. Center for World Mission
UW Sports Ministry
Victory Christian Church
Village Care International
Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Vision Beyond Borders
Vision Marseille
VOLUME Ministries
Way Home Ministries
Weiner Ministries International
Wellsprings Church
Wesley Foundation
Wings Global Outreach
Wisconsin Christian Campus Ministries
Word of Life Fellowship, Australia
Workplace & Career Transition Ministry
World Concern
World Gospel Mission
World Impact, Inc.
World Indigenous Ministries
World Mission Society
World Radio Network
World Relief
World Renewal International
World Team
World Trumpet Mission
World Venture
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Young Life International
Youth Arise North America
Youth Dynamics
Youth for Christ
YouthCompass International
YUGO Ministries
YWAM (Youth with a Mission)

Praise for Support Raising Bootcamp

"Steve [Shadrach] and I share a commitment to help you reach full funding. May God bless you as you launch out. Have a great Bootcamp!"

Scott Morton
The Navigators, Vice President of Development

"There is a vicious rumor among Christian workers and missionaries that God has run out of money to fund His work. Nothing could be further from the truth. What the Lord wants accomplished, He will make provision in a way that brings Him honor and glory. It is a privilege for those who are called to serve the Lord full time to raise their support. Steve Shadrach and his team fill a tremendous gap in missions - training Christian workers how to raise support so that they can be freed up to fulfill what God has called them to do."

Ellis Goldstein
Cru, Director of Ministry Partner Development

"Bootcamp invaded my paradigm of the definition of support raising and attacked it with the most powerful weapon -the word of God. Once my old perspective died, God resurrected a new passion for cultivating relationships and expanding my vision through personal support."

Sharon Epps
Women Doing Well, Speaker and Consultant

"Thank you so much for sharing your personal support raising Bootcamp. What a wonderful concept! I appreciate your pressing on with the burden to assist others in raising their support more effectively."

John Kyle
Mission to the World, Executive Director

Savings are available for everyone:



Registration fee (paid online)
Includes The God Ask, Bootcamp materials, and 3 meals.


Preparation Rebate
Details below.
Rebate mailed after Bootcamp



*Preparation Rebate:

Receive $100 rebate when you come fully prepared (estimated 24-40 hours), part of which is raising support for your training. Preview Preparation Checklist. You will have access to the online Prep course after you register.



Registration fee (paid online)
Includes 1 copy of The God Ask to share, 2 sets of Bootcamp materials, and 3 meals per couple.


Preparation Rebate
Details below.
Rebate mailed after Bootcamp



*Preparation Rebate:

Receive $100 rebate when you come fully prepared (estimated 24-40 hours), part of which is raising support for your training. Preview Preparation Checklist. You will have access to the online Prep course after you register. Spouses may receive a $50 additional rebate if they read The God Ask. The rest of the preparation can be done together.


You will be responsible for your own transportation and lodging. Day 1 of SRS Bootcamp includes lunch and snacks. Day 2 of includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Cancellation Policy:

  • All Bootcamp registrations are non-refundable.
  • If you notify us 2 weeks prior to the Bootcamp you have registered for, you may transfer your registration to a future Bootcamp within 4 months. There is no penalty, but you must notify us of the future Bootcamp you wish to attend before it is full. We will only accept one date change.

Essentials for Bootcamp


  • Complete the Bootcamp Preparation online course (requires 24-40+ hours) you receive access to after registering. Log-in credentials sent after confirmation email.
  • You will receive The God Ask by Steve Shadrach in the mail as soon as you register. Please begin working on the assignments as quickly as possible.
  • Raise at least $100 of the Bootcamp cost from at least two donors in face-to-face meetings.
  • Find an accountability partner. This person needs to be someone who will boldly and consistently hold you to your weekly fundraising goals until you reach 100%.
  • Hint: Recruit the most black and white, hard core, goal-oriented person you can find. You will never regret it!
  • Make your travel and lodging arrangements. Make arrangements for child care (if needed).
    Children are not allowed at the training (this includes nursing babies).


  • Bootcamp begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. on the first day, and begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. on the second day. You must arrive on time and stay until Bootcamp is over to be eligible for the discount.
  • Bootcamp is an 18-hour interactive workshop with multimedia, Q&A, role play, and small group discussion.
  • Bring all completed homework (all Bible studies, worksheets, names lists, etc.)
  • Come prepared for three mock support appointments throughout Bootcamp.
  • Please wear business casual. Men - polos and slacks, women - a dress or skirt/slacks and blouse.
  • Lunch will be provided both days. Breakfast will be provided on the second day.
  • At the end of Bootcamp, you'll be asked to fill out the accountability checklist to determine whether or not you are eligible for the discount (it's completely on the honor system).


  • Fill out an accountability sheet on time spent support raising each week until you are at 100% support.
  • Record how many phone calls, appointments, follow-ups, and letters are sent out each week.
  • Mail or e-mail this information to your accountability partner, followed by a phone call.

Meet the Facilitators

SRS Bootcamp is led by a rotating team of facilitators who have many years of experience in personal support raising and training others, and they each still live and minister on support. They each have a passion to help Great Commission workers worldwide be spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded.

Micah May

Micah May

Micah May serves as the Multi-Area Director for Fellowship of Christian Athletes and trains their staff nationwide in personal support raising using the SRS Bootcamp. He currently resides in Malvern, AR with his wife, Lindsey, and three children. They have been living and ministering on support with FCA since 2007.

Jeremy Henderson

Jeremy Henderson

Jeremy's utmost desire in ministry has been to communicate the gospel creatively and effectively across ethnic and generational lines. After serving for 18 years in pastoral and educational leadership, he sensed a great urgency to minister in the area of global missions. Jeremy serves as the Vice President of Missions Mobilization and Communications at Go To Nations and leads Ministry Partner Development for his organization, training emerging leaders both in the United States and cross-culturally in the area of support-raising.

Dave Flynn

Dave Flynn

David Flynn is the Team Leader for Center for Mission Mobilization's Latin American Regional Team. He was the chief architect of the revamped SRS Bootcamp. He supervised the Spanish translation of the SRS Bootcamp, and helped plan or facilitate several Bootcamps so far in Spanish, including live virtual ones. He has been living and thriving on support for over 20 years. David and his wife are currently living in Lima, Peru and have three children and three grandchildren.

Steve Shadrach

Steve Shadrach

Dr. Steve Shadrach is the founder of Support Raising Solutions. He authored The God Ask and has trained thousands of Christian workers from more than 1,500 organizations around the world how to raise their support. A former pastor and missionary himself, Steve has a Doctorate of Ministry in Church and Para-Church Executive Leadership. Steve no longer leads SRS Bootcamps, but has led several throughout the years. He and his wife Carol have five grown children, eight grandchildren and reside in Fayetteville, AR.

Essentials for Success


  • We require you to guarantee at least 15 staff members (spouses included) from YOUR organization who will attend and participate before we will agree to come to your location for a Bootcamp. If you cannot meet the requirement of 15 people, co-hosting with another local organization is also an option.
  • Bootcamp must be held in a major city near a major airport and several hotel options.
  • You must be able to secure a location with a large conference room that can accommodate 12-16 large round tables with padded chairs and an extra large projection screen. We will usually have up to 72 participants. Occasionally we have up to 100.
  • You will be responsible for providing an assistant (onsite throughout the Bootcamp and not participating in the Bootcamp) to assist in making local arrangements for food and beverages, setup of supplies and materials before the Bootcamp, coordinate return shipping of materials back to SRS and handle any facility issues.
  • You will also be responsible for providing and AV person to do a sound check with the SRS Facilitator the evening before Bootcamp, and be on call if needed throughout the Bootcamp.


  • Your organization will provide us with a few possible dates for a Bootcamp at your desired location.
  • A signed contract solidifying the meeting days, time, location, and other details.
  • We bill your organization for the hosting fee which must be paid within 30 days from when the contract is signed (Private Bootcamps only- if you host a public one, no hosting fee is required)
  • Your staff participants register and pay online on their own. Organization staff cannot register participants.
  • All participants must complete the online preparation work provided upon registration. Please stress how important it is for everyone to complete ALL of the preparation, or they will not receive the price discount and will not gain as much from the training.
  • The participants will receive The God Ask by Steve Shadrach in the mail (part of the registration cost).
  • You follow up with your staff to make sure they have an accountability partner.


Hosting Fee: Only required for private Bootcamps for your organization. Hosting fees will go towards the travel expenses for both facilitators for three nights, food and snack costs, shipping of Bootcamp materials to your location. Organizations are also responsible for any cost associated with securing a location.

If you are interested in hosting a public or private Bootcamp, please contact at





Prep rebate

Individuals receive a $100 rebate for finishing all preparation requirements. Participants will raise $100 specifically for Bootcamp from at least two donors. Bootcampers are encouraged to raise all of the cost if possible.





Prep rebate

Receive a $100 rebate when you complete all Bootcamp preparation. Participants will raise $100 specifically for Bootcamp from at least two donors. Receive an additional $50 rebate when your spouse reads The God Ask.

TRAVEL & LODGING: Bootcampers will be responsible for their own transportation, food and lodging.

ALTERNATIVES: Some organizations want to pay for some or all of the participants' costs. However, we require ministries to have their staff pay for Bootcamp, so that they put personal value into the preparation and training. If the organization covers all the costs, and the participants do not raise $100 of the Bootcamp cost, they will not be eligible for any discounts or rebates.


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Support Raising Solutions
PO BOX 3556
Fayetteville, AR, 72702
1(800) 595-4881